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Online Magazine

The impact of Governmental and Institutional Travel on destinations

The travels made by governments and large institutions within the framework of their international relations - to deal with State affairs, the negotiation and conclusion of treaties, agreements, covenants, international conventions, the normal course of diplomatic and consular relations, or the participation in international conferences, among others - are dynamic and have a high positive impact at the economic and social level.

Globalization, International Relations and Governmental Travel

Globalization has allowed a world with a multitude of connections, of all kinds. Among them, the international relations between countries and institutions stand out. The ease of developing and maintaining these relationships in a globalized world has led to a wide growth of them. This has in turn generated an increase in the number of travels made by representatives of governments and institutions in the exercise of their duties, within the framework of a new tourism niche: the GITT (Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism) sector, which implies a series of peculiarities that differentiate it from any other sector.

GITT Magazine


Viajes de gobiernos y grandes instituciones. Un sector con unas necesidades especiales por su propia naturaleza y categoría y rango de sus viajeros

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